Noah Lohan

Noah Lohan

Junior Financial Professional

Office: 205-661-8358

Experience: Noah graduated Suma Cum Lade from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2024 with a degree in Finance. He was an active member of UAB’s Green and Gold Fund, a student-managed endowment fund, and Financial Management Association. In the Green and Gold fund, he helped actively manage the portfolios of the Industrials and Alternatives sectors. He was also the first portfolio manager to present a covered call strategy for the fund. Noah joined inSOURCE in January 2025 and is working to become a fully-licensed financial professional.

About: Noah, originally from South Dakota, has lived in 7 states and even abroad in Sicily, Italy. Outside of the office, he enjoys outdoor recreational activities like fishing on his paddleboard, gardening, and hiking.

Location: Trussville, AL

Motto: “You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius